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                  Let's Work Together


                  The mission of the Alliance Catholic Foundation is to provide financial advantages by furthering education and improving the overall quality of life in the communities it serves.


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                  To register your account, visit Log into your Amazon account. Under “Select a Charity” go to “Pick Your Own Charitable Organization”, type in and select “Alliance Catholic Foundation.” 

                  Every time you shop at Amazon make sure to set your browser to so that your purchases register to receive donations.


                  Every time you use your Kroger Rewards card (or Alternate ID) at Kroger or a percentage of your purchase is given to the Alliance Catholic Foundation.

                  Enrolling is easy. Sign in to your Kroger account at Select Community Rewards. Search & Select Alliance Catholic Foundation or QV842.

                  You can also donate by mail.

                  Tax-deductible donations are always welcome.

                  Make checks payable to Alliance Catholic Foundation

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                  Attn: Operational Committee

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